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      This is a thank-you letter from a Russian pancreatic cancer patient. The patient was able to get out of bed and move around the next day after surgery with intraoperative cryosurgery. Before being discharged from the hospital, he expressed his gratitude to FUDA:

      Thank you Fuda! The doctors here are very professional and it is magical! Everything is done carefully, quickly, accurately and painlessly. They always look and listen to us carefully. The nurses are also very good. They always wear a smile on their faces. They work day and night, and do things very carefully and quickly. They always help us before and after treatment.

      I am very satisfied with everything. This is a great hospital. They really saved our lives here and rejoiced with us because of the good results. I feel calm and confident here, and I know they will definitely help me. Thank you very much!The ward is always been cleaned!


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