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      Alexey, from Russia, discovered a tumor during a routine check-up. The pathology results confirmed it was malignant, and local doctors informed him that chemotherapy was necessary. However, they chose not to pursue a systemic chemotherapy plan. Instead, they began searching online for alternative treatment methods. When they found Fuda Cancer Hospital, they decided to travel to Guangzhou. After undergoing arterial infusion therapy, they felt they had made the right choice. The extensive experience of Fuda's medical team and the warm hospitality of the staff left a lasting impression on them.

  • 相关病种
    • 胃癌
    • 胃癌是惡性腫瘤(癌癥)細胞在胃粘膜形成的一種疾病。胃是上腹部一個“J”形狀器官。它是消化繫統的一部分,處理攝入食物中的營養(維生素、礦物質、碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白質和水)並幫助將廢棄物排出體外。食物從喉嚨到胃通過一個洞,這個有肌肉管道稱為食...

  • 相关疗法
    • 腫瘤血管介入療法 (Cancer Vascular Intervention, CVI)
    • 腫瘤生長依賴血管供應氧氣和營養。腫瘤內血管特殊豐富,消除腫瘤血管可抑制腫瘤生長、擴散。從腫瘤供養動脈直接將化療藥物或栓塞劑注入腫瘤區域內,一方面可使血管栓塞,切斷腫瘤的能量供應,使腫瘤細胞缺血、缺氧、饑餓而死亡。另一方面可使化療藥在腫瘤內濃...

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