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      Indian Physiotherapist Recovers from Advanced Lung Cancer After Treatment in China

      Roseline, a pediatric physiotherapist from India, began experiencing a cough in July 2023. After undergoing a CT scan in September, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, which had spread throughout both lungs. Shocked by the diagnosis, they immediately pursued necessary treatment, but they were dissatisfied with the available treatment options in India and sought newer, more effective alternatives.

      After reaching out to several hospitals, they chose Fuda, saying, "No matter what questions we had or concerns we raised, Dr. Annu quickly addressed them all. We received a clear treatment plan."

      Upon arriving at Fuda, Roseline underwent a comprehensive examination and ultimately decided to undergo arterial chemotherapy. The day after the procedure, her condition began to improve. Prior to the treatment, she felt extremely fatigued, had difficulty breathing, and suffered from a persistent cough. But just one day after the intervention, it felt like a new born. About a month later, her cough completely disappeared.

      Now, she has returned to work and resumed a normal life. Roseline expressed great satisfaction with her experience at Fuda, speaking highly of the medical team. She believes that the care provided by the team and the hospital enviro

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