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      Lung cancer patient from Hongkong experienced significant tumor shrinkage after cryotherapy and expressed her gratitude with silk banner

      When Aunt Mei first arrived at Fuda Cancer Hospital, her eyes were filled with anxiety and worry. She feared the surgery wouldn’t achieve the desired outcome, and she was afraid that the shadow of cancer would once again loom over her life. After understanding Aunt Mei’s concerns, the medical staff not only provided her with meticulous care but also listened to her thoughts and shared successful cases with her to boost her confidence. Gradually, a smile began to appear on her face.

      This time, Aunt Mei returned to Fuda for a follow-up after her cryotherapy. The examination revealed that her tumor had shrunk compared to before, and upon hearing the news, she leaped with joy! Before being discharged, Aunt Mei and her family presented a thank-you banner to the medical staff. Aunt Mei said, "At this moment, my heart is full of gratitude. During my stay, your thoughtful care and professional services made me feel warm, like a beam of light in my battle against cancer. Every healthcare worker here demonstrated a high sense of responsibility, remarkable professional skills, and endless patience. I remember every inquiry, every examination, and every act of care from you. This banner carries our deep gratitude. It’s not just a banner, but a sincere token of our respect for your selfless dedication. My words can be summed up in one simple phrase: thank you for everything you’ve done for my health."

      To continue encouraging Aunt Mei, the medical staff also presented special certificates to her and her family, hoping she would keep a positive attitude in her fight against cancer and enjoy a happy life.

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